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About Us

The Full Story

In previous years, both my husband and I have kept
doves and racing pigeons for over 20 years. Both of us
have recently taken early retirement from our places of
work. After some serious thought, we decided to return to
our passion of keeping birds. We decided starting our
own dove release business would be the best option for

In April 2022, we started converting our garage into a
dove loft. Over the next few months, the transformation
was incredible. We took delivery of our dove’s early
summer. The doves quickly settled into their new home.
They have a choice of perches with plenty of space for
each bird. They have an aviary with access to sit safely
outside whenever they choose.

The doves are fed specialised feeding mixes and are
given organic supplements to keep them in optimum
health. All our doves are fully vaccinated. They have
access to a bath at least twice a week (which they love)
and released for exercise daily weather permitting.

Our doves settled into their new home very quickly. They
were allowed to discover their new surroundings, with
minimum fuss giving them confidence within their new
surrounding and themselves. After they learned to fly in
the loft and aviary, we then released them to fly outside
the loft. This is crucial to them developing their homing

The next step was to basket train them, so they are
comfortable when they are travelling in baskets. We then
released the doves from baskets outside the loft as this is
familiar ground for them. After this we then took them a
few miles away to released them, this distance was
gradually increased. The doves now fully trained, can
now comfortably be released from a distance, and are
very capable of returning home.
The doves now must go through their molting season,
this is where they replace all their old feathers with new
strong ones. Again, we amend their diet, as they need
extra vitamins to allow them the best opportunity to grow
strong beautiful new feathers.

The health and safety of our doves is paramount to us.
Our loft is cleaned several times a day to keep it clean
and fresh, again this is vital for the health of the birds.
Our doves have been bred for their strong homing ability
and all have been registered with the RPRA (Royal
Pigeon Racing Association). Each dove has a unique ring
number, which is registered to us. For additional safety all
our doves also have a unique ring, this has our mobile
number on it. This ensures that if they were unfortunately
to get lost, they can be reported to RPRA, or directly to
us and returned home as soon as possible.

Moving forward we will breed our own birds from this
fantastic stock we have bought, and the exact same
training process will begin all over again.

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